american community survey refusal 2021

", Where did this information come from and why is it on the news? A final note to those of you who are, or consider yourself Republicans: ACS after initial testing, "went national" in 2004. With a president and congress that constantly lie about everything, how do they expect me to believe that the information on the Census form is truly confidential? When he refused, the employee turned up twice unannounced at my apartment, demanding entry, and warning me of the fines I would face if I didn't cooperate.[35] Only after he filed a complaint with the Census Bureau did the agency realize he had actually completed the survey, thus ending its attempts to enter his home. They are discussing tax records with our neighbors? Thesis: It is best to be professional and courteous when speaking in person and on the phone to the ACS representatives. Q: What is the American Community Survey (ACS)? First time around it ended with phone calls and then they I was given a $25 gift card at the Home Depot. Three times they were soaked standing at my door. I am an american citizen and i will not be forced to give my personal information! And those people were gathered up and sent to internment camps. so i will protect myself and my privacy and never give in just for the fact its my right!!!!!!!!! On saturday he returned but I did not answer the door. It feels good to see so many of you willing to take a stand against this invasion of privacy. SSV-6. As long as there are enough people who didn't fill out the census? So hesitantly, I began to fill it out. And if they threaten you, video record all of this exchange. Since many citizens lack basic knowledge of our Constitution and federalist system, they are easily manipulated by media and academic elites who tell them that judges are the absolute and final arbiters of US law. Thank you for being here. We mailed in a partially filled out surveys with no birthdays or claims of citizenship (the Arizona authorities can't ask if someone is illegal, according to the feds, so neither can the feds ask me.) I'm waiting for the harassment to begin! Unlike the every-10-year census, this survey continues all year, every year. As a current enumerator I'd like to say thanks to the great majority of people who have courteously answered census questions. why are they taking polls for illegals? This is a violation of our privacy and a malevolent use of government power. I feel empowered. Get on with your life and answer the census. When I did return it, I left off my personal business. He told the guy to just make something up. Other countries pay equally and get that ever elusive socialist universal health care. I have little doubt that the ACS data is already in Israel's possession. In other contexts, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that citizens have no obligation to answer questions posed by the government and are free to refuse to do so. Beyond principle, I work in the defense of our nation as a senior leader and have good reason to be concerned. I hung up immediately and called the sheriff. They bring in all additional people running up monies needed for schools, social programs. I may answer the door this time, but my attitude is going to be that I won't allow this to cause me any more stress than deciding what toppings I want on my pizza. I did call the police on them. He was very surprised. American Community Survey questionnaire. [12] lets hope this isn't all to simply mark people who do and do not comply. i am not in their rat race, and i do not answer to their color coded political designations. As a descendant of both victims and survivors of the Auschwitz death camps, I have a keen sense of the length and breadth of what government intrusion in the lives of private citizens can result in. When you are counted, it helps to decide the number of representatives a state can get, as well as determining federal funding for schools and hospitals. Today, the apparent supervisor came -- in his safety vest and green jeep like a public works person. Remember Germany. It's the amendments that congress is busy adding to the original Constitution while you guys are busy working, fishing, etc., instead of watching congressional actions on C Span or some such that are killing us and our rights. Three times they sent people to our door, and three times I walked out the back door, and turned on the water. However, the ACS wants to know what time my husband and I leave for work each day, our employer's address, our work location address (if different from our employer's) and if we commute via car, carpool or public transportation. [30] The Census Bureau also maintains that responding to the ACS is mandatory and that recipients are legally obligated to answer all questions.[31]. I assume that's why they have come again. (These facilities will be contacted directly for data on sexual victimization.) A: There are significant and legitimate questions concerning the authority of the government to require, under threat of prosecution and penalty, that persons answer questions posed by the ACS. Individuals who receive the ACS must complete it or be subject to monetary penalties. They would have to take you to court, and they haven't done that EVER. I hollered at the door that "I'm a crippled senior and DO NOT open my door unless its my kids". she yelled through the door announcing her name & bla bla "census, have some questions for you"..I'll just leave my card & you can call me next week!". A 72 year old lady showed up at my door yesterday (I being a 65 year old great grandmother), and told me I did not fill my form out properly and it got "kicked out". The proposed class action detailed on this page wasdismissed without prejudiceon January 3, 2023 after the court handed down asummary judgmentin favor of the United States Census Bureau, ending the litigation. It is SBO-1 (Survey for Business Owner and Self Employed) and states that it is mandatory per Title 13 USC. Please download the PDF to view it: Download PDF. He handed me the form which I took and threw in the fireplace, in his view, while he said they'll send more people out. Perhaps the people who did not answer the questions do not want to end up like the Japanese Americans did during World War II when the census was used to track them down, and it took 50 years to find out about it! I have called the local census office for our area and filed a complaint. I don't owe the government anything for going to college. I did not receive the additional questionnaire. It's been an easy decision for me. BTW my survey went into the guinea pig cage, it will come out the same it went in: crap. Your response is required by law. I am absolutely livid right now. And how do they fine/prosecute a person if "answers" cannot be used in court or obtained by law enforcement? Anyone else with other info/advice is politely requested to add their two cents. I don't think they are even aware of how intrusive this is. Title 13 of the United States Code, however, requires that the Census Bureau keep this information confidential and subjects employees who violate this confidentiality requirement to a fine of up to $250,000 USD, up to 5 years imprisonment, or both. So glad I found this site. I have yet to fill one out. Why all the bad-mouthing of these people who are taking these jobs to support their families in these hard economic times? When I said I would not be probed by his questions from the government and continued by saying that I meant no disrespect to him; however, I hate what the government is trying to do to us he responded. Plaintiffs do not allege Census Bureau representatives directly threatened them with prosecution, nor do they submit affidavits to that effect, Judge Estudillo wrote. I could not believe my eyes! Although I suspect it's really only one or two of you. The Nazis were just doing their jobs, also, "anon75478" but that doesn't make it right. To sign up for updates please enter your email address. I never have, EVER owned an apartment or resort. I have had them endlessly harass me on the phone after I filled the form out two times and talked to someone they sent to my door. As a retired LEO, state law keeps all my info private, unless court ordered. The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is a national measure of customer satisfaction since 1994, trusted by US government and reflecting annual feedback from . Firm, clear refusal. The 2019 American Community Survey counted 139.69M housing units, up 1.15M from 2018, and up 7.90M from 131.79M in 2010. I wonder how many of those opposing census questions will annually volunteer much more private information and their personal wealth to a real evil unconstitutional organization - the IRS. but who gets the census??? But obviously they want to know everything about you. Parents/caregivers and community members will be invited to take the survey between March 6-20. Unbelievable! And I am not speaking in terms of Democrat or Republican affiliation the drug of power knows no party boundaries. This survey is intrusive and i will not answer it! Thank you for creating this site and letting me know that I am not alone with receiving these and answering them. We pay as much tax as a so called socialist country about 40 percent, but get nothing in return. If I received the ACS survey in the mail, I would probably just put down the number of people in my household, but there is nothing on the 10 question survey that any Tom, Dick, or Harry can't find out on the internet quite easily. The census man came to my house eight times, two of which he sat in my driveway for a total of 50 minutes. Browse our topics and subtopics to find information and data. Although an intrusive visit would make my blood boil, I would suggest a similar strategy for visits if possible. During the last month since I received the first one, I've had many many phone calls from someone asking for my husband and saying he is from a veteran's charity. I responded to the ACS. My 15 year old son was home at the time of the census worker stopping by. I did some research over the summer after I found out about the ACS from reading a WSJ article. Wow. Where does the boundary lie with these obsessive idiots? Your name, address and phone number (front cover of the ACS), 2. Thank you, fellow Americans! I will fill it out and send it back to Census Bureau but I won't feel good about it. This is not for every citizen, so we will not participate. It's supposed to be confidential. Table from ACS 1-Year Estimates Data Profiles, released by American Community Survey. Before the second visit, I posted a 'no trespassing' sign at the bottom of the stairway leading up to my garage apartment. 10 minutes ago I felt apprehensive. Finally, she asked me if I was refusing to answer the questions and if I wanted her to put that down. This city hasn't had its streets fixed in years and we always fill out the census. Any thoughts? Because the rich have been given free passes by laws created by and for the rich, we must beware these so called laws they create. Continued refusal may lead to additional visits by a supervisor. I was in my PJs and answered the door, thinking it was a neighbor. What time do I leave for work, -26:00 in the afternoon. The harassment is ridiculous. I am just not going to answer any questions. So give them a call or send an e-mail and see if someone there can help stop the phone calls. I just got my request from ACS today, late july 2010. This makes no sense at all. The census person came back by a week later. Section a authorizes every 10 years starting April 1. Quid pro quo," then slam the door in their face. She noticed that I was very irritated and told me that she just needs the number of people who live here and ages. I filled in only the number of adults and children and wrote a note on the form that this was the only information I would provide. Please post legal options for readers when census takers are sharing personal information with neighbors! They again called a few days ago and I answered. confinement or community-based facilities or staff. I ignored all of this due to what I had been through. Haven't heard from the ACS people, "government man", or my dorm supervisor since then. We're starved after working all day on our house renovation. FCPS will be seeking input on the progress of this work via a survey for parents/caregivers and community members, and a feedback opportunity for staff. One dear government lady actually said she did not have time for prank phone calls. This country will see a revolution of the people one day, hopefully sooner than later. These questions clearly violate any privacy guaranteed to me by the US Constitution and over step the Census Bureaus authority. Deaths have continued to climb, with 71,238 in 2021, the most recent data from the CDC, which notes the increase was half of what it was a year earlier, when overdose deaths rose by 30 per cent . What do you really think they use the information for? A: Federal law makes it mandatory to answer all questions on the ACS. Well, for all who are posting to this blog saying it is our civic duty, that its just a few questions on the census, that we should just go ahead and answer the questions, let me say this: this is not a census. The questionnaire also demands that you give other information on the people in your home, such as their educational levels, how many years of school were completed, what languages they speak and when they last worked at a job, among other things. For instance, the ACS asks about the acreage of your property and any agricultural sales from the property,[7] your ancestry,[8] your citizenship status,[9] your daily commute (including when your leave home and how long it takes to get to work),[10] the computing devices you own,[11] the fertility of women in the household,[12] the fuel used to heat your house,[13] the number of rooms in your house,[14] and the year in which your house was built. Um, no they don't have the right to fine you. Similarly, the plaintiffs contest that nothing in the federal code allows for a fine for refusal to answer the American Community Survey to be considered a criminal offense. After reading the notes on this site, I decided - ACSdestination, shredder. Especially after reading the comments on this page. I then yelled at him to "beat it" - (since he could see me and it was obvious that I knew he was there.). Best wishes, and see you all after the election. I am not saying that the US government would or could ever go to this extreme but, for the purposes of garnering ever more political power and authority over the citizenry, I have no illusions about how far this government will go. Apr 15 -- The Census Bureau invites comments to OMB by May 16, 2022 on the three-year extension of the American Community Survey and the Puerto Rico Community Survey. I know that some of you were harassed by the census folks. The law in Title 13 exists solely for the purpose of being able to print the treat on the forms and to use to intimidate scared grandmothers. Get over yourselves! I tossed out both copies of the ACS long form. I say, "I don't care who you are. All I can think of is that every time one of us gives in and allows this servant to go unchallenged, then they get bolder, prouder, and we get used to it and then we are eventually abused by them. I upgraded my cell phone to one that I can take video with and that has a large memory. At this point, according to the Census Bureau, a non-respondent has a 21% chance of being personally visited by a survey taker. My hubby has served this country for over 30 years, we are about to retire and what a lovely retirement gift we are receiving (NOT)!.Harassment, compliments of the government, just lovely (NOT). If Americans wish to be free of judicial tyranny, they must at least develop basic knowledge of the judicial role in our republican government. Last Updated on January 20, 2023 4:42 PM, subject to fines of up to $5,000 per question. So why would the government hire a company such as ACS to dig into our lives? Start here to respond: Responder en espaol First five digits of User ID:Last five digits of User ID Can't find the User ID? Those of you who filled it out have no backbone or common sense. I feel that a class action lawsuit should be started. I work for a defense contractor, and when I applied for a security clearance, there were way fewer questions, and much less invasive than were on the ACS long form. I am proud to be an American, but not very proud of our government. I'm glad they didn't refuse to answer such personal questions as name and age. First, it may get lost or stolen and second, you don't know who these people are that you are giving it to. The Institute provides its legal services at no charge to persons whos constitutional and human rights have been threatened or violated. Filled out the short form months ago. Do some research for "0810" without the quotes and you'll find that OMM no. We have received phone calls. It doesn't do any good to argue with the census taker. Explore census data with visualizations and view tutorials. Mind your own business. I've been in some pretty terrifying situations and I don't scare that easily. There should be a law against this. I'm sick of this. Happy Holidays. We are all empowered, so we need to get together to sue! For example, in 2013 after the 2010 census, Florida gained two seats in the House, while New York lost two. The worker harassed him and told him he had to answer the question or he would be in trouble with the police. Where do we call to report this abuse? That alone, in the wrong hands; is reason NOT to respond to such a blatant abuse of power. The law does not say you have to answer their questions (so don't). Ridiculous. People, what is so terrible about giving out the number of people who live in your household? In what may be a coincidence, they often seem to call shortly after we arrive home and there is a vehicle marked "census" in the neighborhood. Don't touch them and if they do touch you, even slightly, fall down and don't get up until an ambulance arrives. Each plaintiff claims to have been visited by Census Bureau agents and informed that their response to the American Community Survey is required by law. As us Cajuns say: Hell froze over when the Saints won the Super Bowl last season. From reading here, it looks like disclosing phone numbers is just an additional way of eventually breaking you down. I included a note with the returned survey stating that I would continue to refuse to answer these additional questions as a matter of principle, and I requested that no phone calls or visits to my home be made by your agency. Currently, Oscar is a 7-year-old boy with ODD whose refusal behaviors have begun to be both verbally aggressive and physically violent. One recipient who did complete the survey but whose answers were misplaced by the Census Bureau wrote about his experience. [2] Jill Wilson, R.I.P., Census Long Form, New Republic, May 12, 2010. What we have here is a violation of HIPAA. Featured Respond to the ACS we demand a trial by jury of our pears, but how many wiggle, squirm and lie every which way to get out of serving when it's their turn? When I saw the personal and invasive nature of recent Census, I was irate. I will fill in my name, address, and very few pieces of information. I like the idea of video taping them and guess I will charge up the old video camera. Don't you think someone high up already has their * in a wringer over that? This ACS thing is quite detailed. The judge summarized that general statements made by the Census Bureau with regard to, say, the support of federal law or that taking the ACS was required by U.S. law fall short of the benchmark necessary to constitute a specific threat of prosecution.

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american community survey refusal 2021